How to cook thick burgers on stove? - Chef's Resource (2024)

When it comes to juicy, flavorful burgers, there’s nothing quite like cooking them on the stove. Whether you’re looking to recreate that restaurant-style char or simply want a quick and delicious meal at home, cooking thick burgers on the stove is a skill worth mastering. In this article, we will guide you through the process and provide some useful tips to ensure your burgers turn out perfectly every time.


  • 1 Ingredients:
  • 2 Step-by-Step Guide:
    • 2.1 1. Start with Quality Ground Beef:
    • 2.2 2. Season the Meat:
    • 2.3 3. Form the Patties:
    • 2.4 4. Preheat the Stove:
    • 2.5 5. Cook the Burgers:
    • 2.6 6. Melt the Cheese (Optional):
    • 2.7 7. Rest the Patties:
    • 2.8 8. Assemble the Burgers:
    • 2.9 9. Serve and Enjoy:
  • 3 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
    • 3.1 1. Can I use lean ground beef to make thick burgers?
    • 3.2 2. Should I thaw frozen patties before cooking?
    • 3.3 3. Is it necessary to preheat the skillet?
    • 3.4 4. Can I use a non-stick pan instead?
    • 3.5 5. How do I know when the burgers are cooked to my desired doneness?
    • 3.6 6. Can I use different types of seasonings?
    • 3.7 7. Can I cook the burgers to well done?
    • 3.8 8. How long should I let the burgers rest?
    • 3.9 9. Can I use a grill pan instead of a skillet?
    • 3.10 10. What’s the best type of bun to use for thick burgers?
    • 3.11 11. Can I cook frozen patties directly on the stove?
    • 3.12 12. Can I scale up the recipe to cook more burgers at once?


To cook thick burgers on the stove, you’ll need the following ingredients:
– 1 pound of ground beef (preferably 80% lean and 20% fat)
– Salt and pepper (to taste)
– Hamburger buns and desired toppings (e.g., lettuce, tomato, cheese, etc.)

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Start with Quality Ground Beef:

Choose ground beef that has the right fat content. Aim for 80% lean and 20% fat for juicy burgers that won’t dry out during cooking.

2. Season the Meat:

Gently mix salt and pepper into the ground beef. Be careful not to overmix, as this can lead to dense and tough burgers.

3. Form the Patties:

Divide the seasoned ground beef into equal portions and gently shape them into thick patties, about 1 to 1.5 inches thick. Press a slight indentation in the center of each patty to prevent it from puffing up during cooking.

4. Preheat the Stove:

Place a cast-iron skillet or heavy-bottomed pan on the stove over medium-high heat. Allow it to preheat for a few minutes until it’s hot enough to sear the burgers.

5. Cook the Burgers:

Place the patties onto the hot skillet and let them cook undisturbed for 4-5 minutes on one side. Flip the burgers using a spatula and cook for an additional 4-5 minutes on the other side for medium doneness. Adjust the cooking time based on your preference.

6. Melt the Cheese (Optional):

If you’re adding cheese, place a slice on top of each burger during the last minute of cooking. Cover the skillet with a lid, allowing the cheese to melt.

7. Rest the Patties:

Transfer the cooked burgers to a plate and let them rest for a couple of minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute within the meat, resulting in a moist and flavorful burger.

8. Assemble the Burgers:

While the patties are resting, prepare your hamburger buns and desired toppings. Dress the bun with condiments, lettuce, tomato, and any other toppings you prefer.

9. Serve and Enjoy:

Place the cooked burger patty on the prepared bun and top with your favorite toppings. Serve immediately and savor the deliciousness of your perfectly cooked thick burgers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Can I use lean ground beef to make thick burgers?

Yes, you can. However, lean ground beef tends to be drier, so adding a binder like breadcrumbs or an egg can help retain moisture.

2. Should I thaw frozen patties before cooking?

For the best results, it’s recommended to thaw frozen patties in the refrigerator before cooking. This ensures even cooking throughout.

3. Is it necessary to preheat the skillet?

Yes, preheating the skillet is crucial for achieving a flavorful sear on the burgers. The high heat helps to caramelize the meat’s surface, enhancing the flavor and texture.

4. Can I use a non-stick pan instead?

While a non-stick pan can be used, a cast-iron skillet or heavy-bottomed pan is preferable as it can withstand high heat and provides better browning and flavor development.

5. How do I know when the burgers are cooked to my desired doneness?

You can use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. For medium burgers, aim for 160°F (71°C).

6. Can I use different types of seasonings?

Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with various seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, or even Worcestershire sauce to add extra flavor to your burgers.

7. Can I cook the burgers to well done?

You certainly can if that’s your preference. However, be cautious as overcooking can result in dry and less juicy burgers.

8. How long should I let the burgers rest?

Allow the burgers to rest for about 3-5 minutes. Resting helps retain moisture and ensures the burger stays juicy and flavorful.

9. Can I use a grill pan instead of a skillet?

Yes, a grill pan works just as well on the stove. It creates beautiful grill marks and imparts a smoky flavor to the burgers.

10. What’s the best type of bun to use for thick burgers?

Choose a sturdy bun that can hold up to the juiciness of the thick burger. Brioche buns, potato buns, or bakery-style burger buns work well.

11. Can I cook frozen patties directly on the stove?

It’s not recommended to cook frozen patties directly on the stove. Thawing them first allows for more even cooking.

12. Can I scale up the recipe to cook more burgers at once?

Certainly! Just make sure not to overcrowd the skillet, as this can lead to uneven cooking. Cook the burgers in batches if necessary.

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How to cook thick burgers on stove? - Chef's Resource (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.