How Do You Get Free Landscaping On Sims 4? - Green Packs (2024)

Landscaping in The Sims 4 can add depth and beauty to your virtual world, but sometimes it can come at a cost. However, there are ways to get free landscaping items in the game without spending any Simoleons. In this article, we will explore different methods to obtain free landscaping objects and enhance the outdoor spaces of your Sims’ homes.

Planting Outdoor Items

One way to get free landscaping on Sims 4 is by planting outdoor items directly onto the ground. If you are outside, simply place the landscaping object on dirt or grass (not on a tile) and click on it. You should see the option to “Plant,” allowing you to beautify your outdoor space without any cost.

Using Planters

Alternatively, you can use planters to plant landscaping items indoors or outdoors for free. Planters provide versatility as you can place them inside your Sim’s home or outside in the garden. Simply drag the landscaping item onto the planter and click on it to plant, creating a lush and green environment around your Sim’s residence.

Tree Planting

When it comes to planting trees for free landscaping in Sims 4, it’s important to ensure they have enough room to grow. Similar to other outdoor items, drag the tree onto the ground or a planter and select the “Plant” option. Trees can significantly enhance the aesthetic appeal of your Sim’s surroundings, providing shade and a natural touch to the landscape.

Utilizing Foliage

Adding foliage such as bushes, flowers, and shrubs is another way to obtain free landscaping in Sims 4. These items can be placed outdoors without any cost, allowing you to create colorful and vibrant outdoor spaces. Experiment with different types of foliage to design unique landscapes that suit your Sims’ preferences.

Decorating with Outdoor Objects

In addition to plants and trees, you can decorate your outdoor spaces with various free objects available in the game. Outdoor items like benches, swings, fountains, and decorative rocks can be placed without spending any Simoleons, enhancing the overall look of your Sims’ gardens and yards.

Exploring Build Mode

Build Mode in Sims 4 offers a wide range of landscaping items that you can use for free to beautify your outdoor areas. From pathways and terrain paint to ponds and gazebos, there are plenty of options to customize your Sim’s surroundings without incurring any expenses. Take advantage of the tools available in Build Mode to unleash your creativity and design stunning landscapes.

Unlocking Cheat Codes

For players looking to quickly obtain free landscaping items in Sims 4, cheat codes can be a helpful resource. By entering specific cheat commands, you can unlock unlimited funds and access all landscaping objects in the game without restrictions. While using cheats diminishes the challenge, it allows you to design extravagant outdoor spaces without financial constraints.

Participating in In-Game Events

Occasionally, EA releases in-game events and updates that offer free landscaping items as rewards for completing tasks or challenges. By actively participating in these events, you can earn exclusive outdoor objects and decorations that can elevate your landscaping game in Sims 4. Stay tuned for event announcements and seize the opportunity to expand your collection of free landscaping items.

Collaborating with the Community

Engaging with the Sims 4 community can also lead to acquiring free landscaping items through user-generated content and custom creations. Players often share downloadable content (DLC) packs containing landscaping objects that can be added to your game at no extra cost. Explore community forums, websites, and social media platforms to discover new landscaping additions and enhance your Sims’ outdoor spaces.

Experimenting with Landscaping Styles

As you explore different ways to get free landscaping in Sims 4, don’t be afraid to experiment with various landscaping styles and aesthetics. Whether you prefer a minimalist, modern look or a lush, botanical garden vibe, there are endless possibilities to customize your outdoor spaces. Mix and match landscaping elements to create unique and visually appealing environments that reflect your Sims’ personalities.

How Do You Get Free Landscaping On Sims 4? - Green Packs (1)


In conclusion, landscaping in Sims 4 doesn’t have to break the bank, as there are several ways to obtain free landscaping items and transform your outdoor spaces. From planting outdoor objects and utilizing planters to exploring Build Mode and collaborating with the community, the game offers numerous opportunities to enhance your landscaping skills and create stunning environments for your Sims to enjoy. Get creative, experiment with different designs, and watch as your virtual gardens thrive with beauty and elegance—all without spending a single Simoleon.

How Do You Get Free Landscaping On Sims 4? - Green Packs (2024)
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