Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Shane Martin · This post may contain affiliate links.

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Learn how to make your own 6-ingredient Homemade Chai Spice mix for fall & holiday baking – simple, flavorful, and essential!

Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (1)

There are two types of people in this world when autumn approaches: the pumpkin spice crowd and the chai spice crowd.

Personally, I play both sides of the fence because I’m sucker for anything that says, “Fall is here!”

That being said, there’s something undeniably comforting about a warm cup of chai tea on a chilly morning or a cozy evening. And let’s not forget the rich aroma of spices, the soothing warmth, and the comforting flavors of a creamy vegan chai tea latte. Personally, I prefer indulging in a stack of vegan vanilla chai pancakes covered in warm maple syrup, but that’s just me. You do you.

You could easily find and spend your money on pre-made chai spice blends at the store, but why?!? It’s best to keep a little coin in your pocket for these tough economic times, and there’s a special joy in creating your own homemade chai spice mix.

So, save your money as I guide you through the process of using and storing your own homemade chai spice blend.

Let’s do this!

Table of Contents

Why You Will Love This Homemade Chai Spice Mix

Prepare to fall in love with this homemade chai spice blend for many reasons. But here are just a few:

  1. Simplicity: You’ll love this chai spice blend for its effortless preparation, easily turning a handful of spices into a rich and complex flavor profile.
  2. Versatility: Embrace its versatility as it effortlessly enhances your morning tea, bakes, breakfast dishes, and even savory creations, making it an indispensable pantry staple.
  3. Great Gift: Whether as a holiday treat or a thoughtful gesture, this homemade chai spice blend beautifully packaged in a jar makes a delightful and personalized gift for friends and loved ones, sharing the joy of warm and aromatic sips and bites.
Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (2)

Ingredients You’ll Need

Let us embark on a flavorful journey of aromatic spices to craft the perfect homemade chai spice blend. Shall we?

  • ground cinnamon
  • ground cardamom
  • ground ginger
  • ground allspice
  • ground cloves
  • ground nutmeg
Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (3)

How To Make Your Own Chai Spice Mix

This is literally one of the easiest recipes to make and keep in your spice rack. Let’s make it.

  1. In a clean, dry bowl, combine the ground cinnamon, ground cardamom, ground ginger, ground allspice, ground cloves, and ground nutmeg. Use a spoon or a small whisk to blend the spices together thoroughly.
  2. Store your homemade chai spice blend in an airtight container, preferably a glass jar with a tight-sealing lid. Label the container with the date of preparation for reference.
Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (4)

How To Use Your Homemade Chai Spice Blend

Now that you have your own chai spice blend, it’s time to enjoy it in various ways:

Chai Tea: The most obvious use is to make chai tea. Brew your favorite black tea, add a teaspoon or two of your chai spice blend, and sweeten with maple syrup or favorite whole vegan sweetener to taste. Finish with oat milk or any other non-dairy milk alternative for a creamy, comforting drink.

Baked Goods: Incorporate your chai spice blend into baked goods like muffins, cookies, or cakes. A pinch of chai spice can elevate your desserts to a whole new level.

Oatmeal: Sprinkle some chai spice into your morning oatmeal for a flavorful twist. It pairs wonderfully with both sweet and savory oats. Top with some warm soy milk, maple syrup, and chopped pecans for truly magical experience.

Smoothies: Add a dash of chai spice to your morning smoothie for a unique flavor profile. It pairs well with banana, almond milk, and a touch of sweetener.

Spiced Nuts: Toss your favorite nuts (almonds, cashews, or pecans) with a little maple syrup and chai spice, then roast them in the oven for a delicious and crunchy snack.

Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (5)

Storing Your Homemade Chai Spice Blend

Your chai spice blend can last for up to a year. But, to ensure the longevity and freshness of your homemade chai spice blend, follow these storage guidelines:

  • Airtight Container: Always store your chai spice blend in an airtight container. This prevents moisture and air from degrading the flavors.
  • Cool, Dark Place: Keep your container in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. A pantry or cupboard is an ideal choice.
  • Check for Freshness: Spices lose their potency over time. Periodically check the aroma and flavor of your chai spice blend. If it starts to lose its intensity, consider making a fresh batch.
Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (6)

Helpful Tips

Here are a few helpful tips when making and using your spice blend:

  1. Quality Spices: Start with high-quality ground spices for the best flavor. Freshness matters, so check the expiration dates on your spices.
  2. Customize to Taste: Adjust the ratios of spices to suit your preferences. If you love cardamom, add a bit more; if you prefer less sweetness, reduce the cloves or nutmeg.
  3. Whole Spices: For an even richer flavor, consider using whole spices and grinding them yourself. Toasting them lightly before grinding can enhance the aroma.
  4. Store Properly: Keep your chai spice blend in an airtight container away from heat and light. This will help preserve its freshness and potency.
  5. Label and Date: Don’t forget to label your container with the date of preparation. Spices lose their flavor over time, and this will help you keep track of freshness.
  6. Use in Small Batches: Make chai spice in small quantities unless you plan to use it frequently. Freshly ground spices have a more robust flavor.
  7. Experiment in Cooking: Beyond tea, incorporate chai spice into various recipes like oatmeal, pancakes, or savory dishes for a unique twist.
  8. Explore Combinations: Get creative with your chai spice blend by mixing it with other spices or herbs to create unique seasoning blends for savory dishes or marinades.
  9. Share the Joy: Homemade chai spice makes a thoughtful gift. Package it in a decorative jar and share it with friends and family during the holiday season.
  10. Balance Flavors: When adding chai spice to recipes, taste as you go. Remember that a little goes a long way, so don’t overwhelm your dish with too much spice.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to make, store, and use your homemade chai spice blend to enhance your culinary adventures. Enjoy the delightful and aromatic world of chai spices!

More Homemade Spice Blends

  • Pumpkin Pie Spice Recipe
  • Homemade Cajun Seasoning
  • Easy Homemade Chili Powder
  • Vegetable Bouillon Powder

Whether you’re brewing a comforting cup of tea or experimenting with new recipes, your homemade chai spice blend is sure to add a delightful, aromatic twist to your culinary creations. Enjoy the warmth and flavor of homemade chai spice all year round!

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Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe

Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (11)

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Learn how to make your own 6-ingredient Homemade Chai Spice mix for fall & holiday baking – simple, flavorful, and essential!

  • Author: Shane Martin
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: How To
  • Method: Whisk
  • Cuisine: Indian Inspired
  • Diet: Vegan



  • ¼ cup + 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons of ground cardamom
  • 2 tablespoons of ground ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of ground allspice
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of ground nutmeg


  1. In a clean, dry bowl, combine the ground cinnamon, ground cardamom, ground ginger, ground allspice, ground cloves, and ground nutmeg. Use a spoon or a small whisk to blend the spices together thoroughly.
  2. Store your homemade chai spice blend in an airtight container, preferably a glass jar with a tight-sealing lid. Label the container with the date of preparation for reference.
Easy Homemade Chai Spice Mix Recipe (2024)
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